Monday, 6 February 2012


We decided on a Thriller/Horror film for our opening. This is the treatment for our film 'Stroke'.

  • James Blackwell, 24, an art graduate working on commission, needs money to live.
  • An art director, Julianne Lee, 42, offers him the opportunity to display his work in a horror/gore exhibition in Central London.
  • Thinking this could be his big break, James produces painting after painting, but Julianne criticizes his work repeatedly for not being scary enough.
  • Eventually, James snaps and takes it upon himself to capture, mutilate and paint members of the public, starting off small and working his way up until he kills his brother.
  • The art director, unaware that James has become a killer, continues to criticize his work. Despite this, she books his spot for the night and gives him one last chance to produce a terrifying piece for the art show.
  • James then kills Julianne and creates a piece of art out of her body.
  • On the night of the exhibition, James proudly unveils his finest work of art to an unsuspecting audience; a tree made of limbs with Julianne as the centre piece.

We decided we wanted a stylized opening with long, slow close ups. We also want to create a false plateau to draw the audience in. We are aware that we don't want to give too much away as it is just an opening. It will be set in an art room within the college. We will light it differently as the room is currently too naturally lit.

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