Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Shot by shot remake: comparison to original

Shot One: Wide shot of restaurant
Pros: Good shot set up
Cons: Forgot to track the camera

Shot Two: Over the shoulder
Pros: Correct angle used
Cons: Camera a little close

Shot Three: Over the shoulder
Pros: Rule of three used successfully
Cons: Too zoomed in

Shot Four: Wide shot
Pros: Good character positioning
Cons: Slightly wrong angle/distance

Shot Five: Close up over the shoulder
Pros: Correct angle achieved
Cons: Rule of three could be tighter

Shot Six: Wide shot
Pros: Correct positioning
Cons: Location affects accuracy

Shot Seven: Close up over the shoulder
Pros: Good angle
Cons: Could be tighter shot

Shot Eight: Mid shot
Pros: Correct angle
Cons: Mid shot not achieved due to location

Shot Nine: Close up
Pros: Angle of prop almost correct
Cons: Too close

Shot Ten: Close up over the shoulder
Pros: Good positioning of characters
Cons: Not tight enough

Shot Eleven: Close up over the shoulder
Pros: successful over the shoulder shot
Cons: Not close enough/ wrong hand used

Shot Twelve: Over the shoulder
Pros: Correct angle/height
Cons: A little close

Shot Thirteen: Over the shoulder
Pros: Actions matched well
Cons: Wrong height/forgot to pan/character positioning wrong

Shot Fourteen: Close up
Pros: Hand can be seen
Cons: Wrong angle/lack of feet

Shot Fifteen: Close up from the side
Pros: Both characters in shot/succesful panning
Cons: Wrong angle/height/out of focus not achieved

Shot Sixteen: Close up from the side (Change in focus)
Pros: Both characters in shot
Cons: Focus change not achieved

Shot Seventeen: Close up
Pros: Closer than last two shots
Cons: Angle too low/focus change not achieved

Shot Eighteen: Close up
Pros: Good angle
Cons: Not tight enough

Shot Nineteen: Close up
Pros: Expression matches
Cons: Angle too low

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